
Independence day resurgence sam riegel
Independence day resurgence sam riegel

Like having a bottle of good scotch at home, I’d rather enjoy it there in peace and when I go out I’m more in the mood for a car bomb or a Fireball.

independence day resurgence sam riegel

Robot, and The Americans among others, all available for streaming on the small screen, I have completely satisfied my need for complex and thematic drama. It’s not that there isn’t substance to be found, it’s just that television is, without a doubt, the superior medium at the moment. And that I’m perfectly alright with that. I suddenly realized that I don’t go to the theater for substance anymore and I haven’t in a long time. But then a thought occurred and I was able to lay my head down and rest peacefully until I was woken up and asked to leave by the bartender. To be perfectly honest, I liked this film and I had a worrisome thought, the same one I had after I enjoyed Warcraft: “…am I dumb? Am I dumb now?” Is this the same feeling that Charlie had towards the end of Flowers for Algernon? Where my mind is slowly deteriorating into a tacky, cookie dough-like substance that will suddenly find Two and a Half Men hilarious and Larry the Cable Guy a kindred spirit? In all honesty, probably.

independence day resurgence sam riegel

The sequel to the 1996 summer blockbuster, Independence Day: Resurgence, is a fitting and satirical metaphor for the burden of war on a younger generation and how, once the mantle is passed, the responsibility of security on a global stage can affect different cultures, leading to a loss of identity in an ultimately fascist albeit humanitarian….HAHA! Just kidding.

Independence day resurgence sam riegel